Why strengthen your jaw?

The problem we face today:

We chew more and more foods with low density. The food industry focuses on the pleasure of tasting. So foods are less and less hard, which atrophies the muscles of our jaw and reduces its bone development.

See Arte documentary on the subject > https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGejJNyGx/


Combined with ENT problems (such as a blocked nose that makes you breathe through your mouth), many people suffer from their appearance, complaining of having too many cheeks and a double chin. But also in men, having a face that is “too thin”.

Beyond the appearance, this atrophy would increase the risk of dislocation and dislocation of the mandibular condyle (the jaw joint being less well maintained by the muscles).

Strengthening your jaw improves your appearance:

Beauty has been studied since the dawn of time, notably by artists who wanted to know the ideal proportions of the human body to represent the gods. Aesthetics is a concept that was also strongly studied in the 15th and 16th century by the painter Leonardo Da Vinci.

Today, having a sufficiently developed and well-defined jawline is the number 1 criterion for becoming a model (in addition to height).

For what ?

We consider an aesthetic face when it is balanced and sufficiently symmetrical, both from left to right, but also from bottom to top. The width of our jaw would therefore have a considerable impact, it should ideally be proportional to the width of our forehead.

Having a pronounced jaw allows our interlocutor to assimilate our face well. because it increases the contrast between our face and our neck. It makes us photogenic, charismatic and brings out our facial expressions in the best possible way.

Rest assured !

When we use the term square jaw or “jawline” which is an Anglo-Saxon term.

It's not about having a disproportionately wide jaw and extremely hollow cheeks.

It is simply enough to have sufficient development of the mandible and the muscles that compose it, so that it is a body composition that is pleasant to look at.

This goal is achievable for everyone.

Benefits of 20 minutes of masseter strength training:

The masseter muscles are the main muscles of your jaw. Their volume represents approximately 2/4 of the musculature of the lower part of your face.

They are part of the “skeletal striated muscle” category. They therefore have a high potential for hypertrophy.

They react positively and quickly to the stimulation provided by appropriate training, in particular thanks to Jawdesign training gums, to the extent that they are small muscles, they recover very quickly and are mainly composed of fast fibers, the fibers who respond best to training.

How do we recognize fast fibers?

Fast fibers have greater strength and explosiveness than “slow fibers”. The jaw muscles (masseters) are the most powerful muscles in the human body in proportion to their size (approximately 60 kg per square centimeter of pressing force).

Training just 20 minutes a day, 4 times a week with jawdesign masseter training gums, can literally improve the composition of your jaw.

This helps develop the masseter muscles to bring out the angle of your jaw (the development adapts. Depending on gender, male or female because the hormonal level determines the potential for muscle growth).

This also helps reduce the puffy appearance of the cheeks, if you have them, which can be caused by several factors such as the level of subcutaneous fat, but also water retention due to the lymphatic system.

The redistribution of blood during training and a draining massage with Guacha will reshape your jaw, hollow out the cheeks and reduce the double chin.

Below is a full YouTube video. Regarding training with Jawdesign erasers.


Reduces joint pain:

The jaw is made up of the temporal-mandibular joint, which is very complex!
Indeed, it is a diarthrosis (synovial, bi-condylar joint), which can be "attacked" by psychological variations such as stress (this is also what causes bruxism) TMJ pain is therefore frequent.
The American continent is one of the first to look into the subject!
Many health practitioners suggest training the masticatory muscles to relieve TMJ pain.
Moreover, you will not fail to find complete studies on Google about the reduction of pain in the temporal-mandibular joint thanks to masseter training.
We share with you Below is one of the most relevant links: