Vous aidez à développer votre esthétique et optimiser votre santé !
Au plus proche de la science, nous élaborons des produits qui vous permettent d’atteindre vos objectifs.
Mettez l’accent sur les détails qui font la différence.
Revue d’étude : Il a été prouvé en 1999 par le docteur “John Mew” que deux jumeaux qui ne sollicitaient pas leur zone maxillo-facial de la même manière finissaient par ne plus se ressembler.
Celui qui sollicitait davantage ces muscles faciaux était considéré comme “plus esthétique” que son frère qui lui ne les sollicitait pas.
After 20 minutes a day 4 x a week this is the result!
The jawline is more sculpted and the cheeks are hollower which makes the model more photogenic.
False advertising is punishable by law, no retouching to modify the shape of the model's jaw was carried out on the two photos.
Join our +30,000 satisfied customers!
These developments were achieved in just a few weeks (2 to 3 months maximum)
Pour tous les âges
Nothing's easier !
1: get jawdesign
Take the resistance adapted to your level or both to apply intensification techniques.
2: Place them at the level of the molars
Chew for 20 minutes 4 to 5 times a week maximum.
3: Rinse the jawdesign
It is important to rinse the jawdesign before and after each use, either in warm water or in the mouthwash of your choice.
Study: University of Glasgow
Tested on 600 women.
Most women are more attracted to men with masculine facial features: they like men with a square jaw , heavy brow ridges, and sunken cheeks. They are attracted to these characteristics because they indicate high testosterone levels.